Participants maintain a blog on the AIA Cincinnati VISION website: writing responses to content presented and discussed in corresponding workshops, seminars, and keynote lectures.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
This is our starting line
I thought it was genius that the VISION program kicked off by going back to basics. We got to examine our own inspiration for bothering to be architects at all. And that's important, because it is so easy to get caught up in all the details of the workday and lose site of our core purpose. The importance of keeping our inspiration at the forefront was underscored by firm leaders detailing what keeps them going through years of practice with all its challenges and triumphs - we got a snapshot of not just what they believe, but why it all matters. Every day is a new starting line and it is by tapping into our own personal source of inspiration that we can step into our purpose as architects and change the world.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Do we need LEED - A Reflecrive reaponse
During the round table discussion of our first "Season 4" session, we had a nice debate on why we need LEED. Then I see, and read, this months AIA Ohio letter from our president (the elegant outspoken) Michael Schuster on the very same topic.
Now as you all know, I have spent the past week in Philly at Greenbuild, the pinnical of the LEED / sustainable movement, where this conversation is raging on because of the recent release of v4. In reflection of those conversations in our roundtable, Schuster's letter, and what I have seen and eard here I have come the realization that we have to have both (LEED and doing the right thing of sustainability).
As I stated before, I am in more favor of "doing the right thing" over having to justify to a client to pay for LEED bit sitting through all of these sessions and talking to the presenters - I have realized that LEED is the path to do that. Before LEED we had a few upstarts (BREEM, energy star, etc.) But they fell short of the goal of trying create the data of improvent and using that data to foster a movement. LEED has created a "Huge" database of actual scientific data that says we are doing the right thing but it also shows where we can do more, we also need that data to push everyone (not just the AEC Community but also developers, manufacturers, owners) to evolve to do more.
In closing I think we are all correct in our arguments, but I would ask you to look at LEED differently and more as a tool to justify that you are doing the right thing and not just as money for a plaque scenario because it is so much more.
I invite all of you (from all arguments and opinions) to talk. "Join Us" as the USGBC President Rick Fedrizzi has said. Together, and through these types of conversations, we can only come to a better solution and leave this place better for the future generations.
Now as you all know, I have spent the past week in Philly at Greenbuild, the pinnical of the LEED / sustainable movement, where this conversation is raging on because of the recent release of v4. In reflection of those conversations in our roundtable, Schuster's letter, and what I have seen and eard here I have come the realization that we have to have both (LEED and doing the right thing of sustainability).
As I stated before, I am in more favor of "doing the right thing" over having to justify to a client to pay for LEED bit sitting through all of these sessions and talking to the presenters - I have realized that LEED is the path to do that. Before LEED we had a few upstarts (BREEM, energy star, etc.) But they fell short of the goal of trying create the data of improvent and using that data to foster a movement. LEED has created a "Huge" database of actual scientific data that says we are doing the right thing but it also shows where we can do more, we also need that data to push everyone (not just the AEC Community but also developers, manufacturers, owners) to evolve to do more.
In closing I think we are all correct in our arguments, but I would ask you to look at LEED differently and more as a tool to justify that you are doing the right thing and not just as money for a plaque scenario because it is so much more.
I invite all of you (from all arguments and opinions) to talk. "Join Us" as the USGBC President Rick Fedrizzi has said. Together, and through these types of conversations, we can only come to a better solution and leave this place better for the future generations.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
let's be creative; after all we are architects
First of all, I want to be the first to publicly thank Douglas Richards and Marcene Kinney who had the vision to begin this wonderful program and who spent many countless hours of enduring dedication to the program. I know that I speak for all the other participants in saying that we so greatly appreciate the time and effort you have invested in our future careers.
At some point in the middle of the course of the past year (season III), I had planned to write a post with this movie clip attached. It seems like we, the VISION participants, were always jabbering and brainstorming about how we can survive the impending changes that our profession faces. Not to mention the difficulties of our recent economic downturn and the uncertainty of our economic future.
Many know that I had the longest drive back home after each session. This gave me plenty of uninterrupted time to reflect upon a day chock-full of experiences and knowledge. This image of two fighters kept coming to my mind. Do we approach the problems our profession faces with conventional knowledge or just brute, raw innovation and intelligence? I might guess the later.
We are architects after all and we should be leading the way towards new innovative ideas every day. Indeed the VISION participants with whom I spent many hours this past year are all these types of innovative, amazing architects. I so much appreciated getting to know them, to hear their stories, and to gain a more refined vision myself for my future because of them and the interactions we entertained each month.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
In April, a few of us presented on the subject of "social responsibility" or "social integrity" perhaps. The subject was difficult to handle because somehow I was searching for a way to show or to prove that excellent architecture itself stands as a great testament to social responsibility. Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gehry, and Rem Koolhaus have all been awarded for both excellent design as well as their extensive efforts to improve humanity in one way or another.
It was interesting to me that during my research I came across Les Wexner mixed up in the same award presentation headlines as these famous architects. A fellow resident of Columbus, Wexner is well-known for his philanthropic efforts. From the very beginning of his retail ventures, he has been exceedingly generous. In fact, a new macro economic theory was written based on Wexner's business practices and his efforts to make meaningful contributions both to his own employees as well as to society at large.
Indeed Calatrava, Gehry, and Koolhaus each have designed buildings and infrastructure projects that have made an improvement on society. They should be highly commended for their architectural design at the very least. These architects, however, go beyond their own realm of high design to extend a hand to those in need. Also part of my research, I found several economists writing about one of the keys to an enduring business; that of being genuine about how your business and your personal life make contributions voluntarily to society.
In conclusion, I very much enjoyed presenting the High Line Park project in New York City as a great example of architecture that is both excellent by its very design as well as how it impacts society. Still a new addition to the City, the High Line is well-beloved already. To escape the blase of the City on the High Line Park is a great relief to many. Lastly, I want to mention that I took this photo in London several years ago and have always kept it by my desk wherever I work. I take this notion to heart; I would hope that I can always invest in the very substance that will keep me going throughout the rest of my career and my life.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Thankfully most architecture does not happen in a vacuum. For centuries, architects have engaged in research to enhance their own understanding of buildings and the materials used to create them. But this "research" can take many forms. Often this architectural research is limited to gaining very project-focused knowledge. This could range from checking out a new building technique to analyzing architectural precedents to the often dreaded "code research". While this type of research is extremely necessary in day to day practice, it misses the intent of larger, further reaching research that can be conducted and applied not just to one project, but to the manner in which entire firms practice architecture or universities prepare future architects. So, why don't architects regularly engage in more scientific or theoretical research? Is that the role of the university? Is the time and money required by this type of research too great? This is a tentative time for architects and the future of our industry and practices. How can we afford not to make this investment in advancing our field?
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Social Responsibility
Topic: “The role of
authentic corporate value systems in attracting talent, raising the value of
the Architect in building viable communities and the link between long term
profitability and leadership.”
Public perception is that corporations
are logos not people:
Research, Practice, & Beyond
For the most recent presentation for the Vision class we were asked to consider the connection between research and architectural practice. In researching for this presentation I came across the AIA Upjohn Research Initiative. This program is currently calling for submissions for 2013, basically your research has to qualify under one of the (6) offered categories that include Social, Environmental, Cultural, Organizational, Educational, & Technological topics. The AIA awards up to four grants between $15,000 - $30,000, and the grants much be hard-dollar matched. More info on the program can be found here:

Automotive technology always seems to be one step ahead of Architectural technology. One project I did not present yet holds some promise of future technology for Architecture is the BMW 'GINA' concept. GINA being an acronym for "Geometry and functions in 'N' Adaptations". The concept involves a fabric skinned car that allows it to shapeshift and adapt to driving conditions. Check out this very awesome short video that shows the concept in action:
Thursday, March 21, 2013
I stumbled upon this interesting article about advancement in Architecture. The article is written by Brinn Miracle, Associate AIA who has several blogs and other sites of self publication which are worth checking out.
What struck me about this article is the challenge to think about advancement not as a ladder to climb, but as a net to expand. She suggests that successful advancement is not really about completing tasks in a logical or incremental way, but rather to find something more intrinsic in your own values and skills that can be leveraged within the social environment of work in which you live. You can become a trusted adviser only if you are willing to engage others, to ask for help, and to give help in return. This type of practice becomes deeper, more connected, and quite honestly less intimidating. All of your future work (and perhaps even social relationships) are not things to be conquered or achieved, they simply need to be nurtured and allowed room to grow.
What struck me about this article is the challenge to think about advancement not as a ladder to climb, but as a net to expand. She suggests that successful advancement is not really about completing tasks in a logical or incremental way, but rather to find something more intrinsic in your own values and skills that can be leveraged within the social environment of work in which you live. You can become a trusted adviser only if you are willing to engage others, to ask for help, and to give help in return. This type of practice becomes deeper, more connected, and quite honestly less intimidating. All of your future work (and perhaps even social relationships) are not things to be conquered or achieved, they simply need to be nurtured and allowed room to grow.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Becoming a Valued Architect is Something That Must be Earned
- People who understand what we do.
- People who trust that we know what we are doing.
Earning people's trust allows them to appreciate us and value what we bring to the table without inhibitions. Without this trust, we face an uphill battle for the duration of the project.
The person that doesn't fall into either of these categories is someone who thinks they understand the process and the Architect's expertise. They have the potential for the least amount of appreciation for an Architect. They can often make generalizations, assumptions, and think that all an Architect does is draw manipulate some computer software to print drawings. Look at the deliverable that we give an Owner. We give them a roll of drawings that can almost be discarded when the project is complete. A contractor delivers something with resale value. Our contribution to the project are the intangible such as organized ideas, project coordination, and quality control. How do you put a price on that?
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Vision and Skill
The value of an architect is their vision and skill.
Their vision of the past can bring ruins to life, their vision of of present can describe behaviors and environments that affect how we live today, and their vision of the future can imagine worlds that are yet to be realized.
Their skill allows these visions to become reality, to be described in technical detail, and to create economical and elegant solutions. In the end, the value of an architect is their ability to envision desire and to create space for those desires to live.
One of my favorite local projects that demonstrates this is the first stage of the renovations at the Cincinnati Art Museum where the creative vision of Jim Cheng at emersonDESIGN has helped bring new life to an old building. The project is just recently completed. This photo was taken several months ago during construction.
Their vision of the past can bring ruins to life, their vision of of present can describe behaviors and environments that affect how we live today, and their vision of the future can imagine worlds that are yet to be realized.
Their skill allows these visions to become reality, to be described in technical detail, and to create economical and elegant solutions. In the end, the value of an architect is their ability to envision desire and to create space for those desires to live.
One of my favorite local projects that demonstrates this is the first stage of the renovations at the Cincinnati Art Museum where the creative vision of Jim Cheng at emersonDESIGN has helped bring new life to an old building. The project is just recently completed. This photo was taken several months ago during construction.
Friday, February 8, 2013
architects offer a fresh perspective
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Thoughts: Value of an Architect
Lack of Value of an Architect:
The lack of value placed on an architect began with our first days in architecture school. I remember one of the first books I was required to read in Introduction to Architecture, A Candid Guide to the Profession, by Roger K. Lewis, addressed some of the larger overall concerns with the profession: the hours, lack of compensation, and all the testing required to actually be titled an "architect" . As a freshman in college, already unsure of what my future would hold, reading this book did nothing to give me assurance in my dream job. This is just the start to why it has become so difficult to attract young and bright students to embark on the journey of becoming an architect. If we cannot bring people into the profession, how can we expect others on the outside to look at us as a valued profession and service?
Value of an Architect:
The value of an architect goes beyond the “drawing board” and pretty pictures. Architects are advocates for their clients, their community, and their built environment, just to name a few. We are thoughtful problem-solvers and observers in all things we encounter. Given the economic environment over the past several years, architects have shown their value in non-traditional ways. We have become resourceful and marketed ourselves and our services to a broad range of jobs. Who wouldn't want a well-rounded problem solver on their team?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The Value of an Architect…
An Elevator Speech
Architects facilitate the design and construction
process, and among all disciplines we have the greatest influence upon the
long-term costs of a facility.
Through keen listening and awareness of a plethora of
factors, we gather the critical information about a client’s needs and
goals. With our unique aptitude and training, we then synthesize the
information, in all its complexity, into a design that goes beyond what the
client imagined.
Architects improve the quality of life for building
occupants, improve efficiency, and strengthen the community through designs
that exude craft, style, and beauty.
Skimping on design, you get what you pay for… you get
a mess.
Through quality architectural design, you get a
quality product… you get architecture.
Value with a Capital V
The topic of Architect Value came up quite often during our
last Vision session focused on Advocacy.
In trying to sell our Value to a client for a building project, I have often
compared architectural training to that of a doctor. Both have more schooling, both have to train
as (poorly paid) interns for years.
Architects have to take multiple tests to become licensed and then
we have to maintain our knowledge through continuing education credits. Doctors certainly have to put a lot more
effort, time, and investment to become an M.D., yet they are compensated quite
well during the long term, six figure incomes certainly can be an extrinsic
motivator. Either profession is not easy
to practice, both carry a huge amount of training, knowledge, and
liability. Ultimately, both professions
host a plethora of technical knowledge and comprehend the complexities of our respective professions. Doctors save lives, Architects add to the
quality of life.
From my perspective, Architects aren’t in it just for the
money (although it certainly helps), many are intrinsically motivated to make
the built environment better because we entered this profession for the opportunity
to do so. We are the wearer of many hats, understand the big picture, and inevitably bring Value to our clients
through our collective understanding and integration of the many elements / systems
to put together a successful project.
Through doing so we bring efficiency, economy, quality, and importance
to our projects that inevitably result in Value that good clients understand
are critical to a successful project. It
is our job to sell this Value to clients for them to understand our impact on
the final result, because without us, the void of our involvement can be quite
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The Value of Architecture
Sadly, architecture is grossly undervalued in our society today. This stems from a misunderstanding about what architecture really is. It is seen as a luxury; as a profession that emphasizes aesthetics and disregards pragmatics. Good architecture, however, masterfully balances the artistic and scientific elements of a building's design. It handles the technical, economic and aesthetic aspects of a project in such a skillful manner that the user's or visitor's experience moves to the foreground and becomes the focus. Architecture not only supports the users' activities within it, but it strives to improve the quality of their lives. Architecture is not only important, it's indispensable.
Why Hire an Architect?
A couple years ago I was a newly licensed architect learning to manage a project on my own. I very vividly remember a day when I presented preliminary design drawings of a new school renovations to a client who waited until I was done and then simply looked at me and said "well, I could have drawn that."
I've told this story quite a few times over the years. At first, I was just shocked (and perhaps a little annoyed) by the comment, but since then, through extensive analysis of the event and growth as a professional, this has become a bit of a moment of enlightenment for me. Of course, my client didn't mean that she could have literally drawn what I showed her. She did mean, I think, that what I had shown her was expected. I had not yet lived up to the added value she expected me to bring to the project as an Architect.
The ability to use our training and gift for envisioning spacial relationships in a way that exceeds client expectations is the value I believe an architect brings to a project. We are able to be good listeners to fully understand client needs and then we are able to use or education and passion for design to create something that meets those needs but exceeds their wildest expectations and vision for the project. We create spaces that are inspiring in addition to being functional.
My biggest fear these days is for a client to walk into their new space and reflect that it is what they expected or that it meets their needs. Conversely, I absolutely love the moment when a client walks into a space and exclaims that it is so much more than they could have ever imagined.
I've told this story quite a few times over the years. At first, I was just shocked (and perhaps a little annoyed) by the comment, but since then, through extensive analysis of the event and growth as a professional, this has become a bit of a moment of enlightenment for me. Of course, my client didn't mean that she could have literally drawn what I showed her. She did mean, I think, that what I had shown her was expected. I had not yet lived up to the added value she expected me to bring to the project as an Architect.
The ability to use our training and gift for envisioning spacial relationships in a way that exceeds client expectations is the value I believe an architect brings to a project. We are able to be good listeners to fully understand client needs and then we are able to use or education and passion for design to create something that meets those needs but exceeds their wildest expectations and vision for the project. We create spaces that are inspiring in addition to being functional.
My biggest fear these days is for a client to walk into their new space and reflect that it is what they expected or that it meets their needs. Conversely, I absolutely love the moment when a client walks into a space and exclaims that it is so much more than they could have ever imagined.
Advocacy For the Profession
Since I was absent the last session, I wanted to share what would have been my presentation on advocacy.
What am I doing to advocate, here’s the 4 things I feel best describes this… Mentoring, Community Involvement, Client Interaction, Interpreting Codes/Laws
Client Interaction
It is our role as architects to provide a valuable service to maintain client relations. It is by this avenue we become advocates for our profession. Some people think helping clients achieve their goals is just a job, well there’s much more to it than that.
Since we sell nothing but our time, it is my job to deliver completely unbiased advice based on what is in the client’s best interest. Now I’m going to sound a bit like our CEO Wick here and say “It is our job to be advocates for our clients and help lead them in making decisions, this is how the impenetrable client loyalty bond is formed.”
A majority of our clients are inquiring about how we can make their project more sustainable or interested in obtaining LEED certification. As architects it is our job to be on the forefront of these practices and have the knowledge and skill to back up these types of decisions.
Interpreting Codes and Laws
It is my job to make sure I am informed of laws impacting our practice and doing comprehensive code reviews on each project. This can really come back and bite you if you’re not careful. I recently had a job go out in which the building official was threatening to halt construction because we did not take into consideration the flight path of a nearby airport. The issue stemmed from a tank silo, 60’ tall and within a certain distance to the airstrip which did not adhere to the FAA guidelines. I performed my standard building code summary but failed to take into consideration the small airstrip nearby and its impact. We were able to remedy this situation by placing some lights atop the silo. I got lucky.
When speaking with clients I often use the phrase, “In the spirit of the code….” which is my way of safeguarding certain aspects of the code that can be confusing to clients. Plus it sounds like I know what I’m talking about, and who would ever question the code.
What am I doing to advocate, here’s the 4 things I feel best describes this… Mentoring, Community Involvement, Client Interaction, Interpreting Codes/Laws
Mentor Program
– The main goal of this program is to assist new associates in becoming a part
of Hixson more quickly, by helping them get off to a faster, more productive
start. I personally have 2 mentees and it’s been a humbling experience. We go
out to lunch, partake in happy hour, and this gives them an open platform in
which to ask me questions about the organization, work life, policies, and
anything else that may be on their mind at the time.
ARE – Even though the days and nights of
hardcore studying are behind me, I have made myself a resource for the interns
in my office. It is not uncommon that a fellow associate will ask me to discern
one of the many convoluted ARE practice questions or assist in training on the
cumbersome vignette software. I enjoy doing this because I’ve been there and I
know it helps to have additional support.
Community Involvement
Fundraising - Is a great way to contribute to our
community. Not always does it need to be a monetary donation. Sacrificing time
in some cases can be just as valuable.
Repair Affair - Is an example of time donation
in which we partner with People working Cooperatively and pick a homeowner
who’s disabled or elderly and give their home some much needed maintenance and
repair assistance. Last year we built a new porch and stairs for a neighbor in
our community. Past year’s project included a ramp for a disabled and elderly
CANstruction – This is something near and dear to me
because it’s a way to raise awareness about hunger in our community in a
creative and innovative way. I have captained a team of Hixson associates for 7
years running and it has been a very gratifying experience. I know I have some
fellow competitors in the audience so I’m not going to leak any info about this
upcoming year’s entry, but I have to say it will defy gravity.
Client Interaction
It is our role as architects to provide a valuable service to maintain client relations. It is by this avenue we become advocates for our profession. Some people think helping clients achieve their goals is just a job, well there’s much more to it than that.
Since we sell nothing but our time, it is my job to deliver completely unbiased advice based on what is in the client’s best interest. Now I’m going to sound a bit like our CEO Wick here and say “It is our job to be advocates for our clients and help lead them in making decisions, this is how the impenetrable client loyalty bond is formed.”
A majority of our clients are inquiring about how we can make their project more sustainable or interested in obtaining LEED certification. As architects it is our job to be on the forefront of these practices and have the knowledge and skill to back up these types of decisions.
It is my job to make sure I am informed of laws impacting our practice and doing comprehensive code reviews on each project. This can really come back and bite you if you’re not careful. I recently had a job go out in which the building official was threatening to halt construction because we did not take into consideration the flight path of a nearby airport. The issue stemmed from a tank silo, 60’ tall and within a certain distance to the airstrip which did not adhere to the FAA guidelines. I performed my standard building code summary but failed to take into consideration the small airstrip nearby and its impact. We were able to remedy this situation by placing some lights atop the silo. I got lucky.
When speaking with clients I often use the phrase, “In the spirit of the code….” which is my way of safeguarding certain aspects of the code that can be confusing to clients. Plus it sounds like I know what I’m talking about, and who would ever question the code.
Architects are
the only design professionals who are educated, trained, and tested in
integrating all essential systems that go into creating the built environment
for human use and occupancy. Unfortunately, however, our elected officials
don't always think along these same lines. Legislators don't necessarily need
to understand the importance of architectural training — that's why it's our
job to know what bills are being considered and how they are likely to affect
the architectural profession.
citizen architect
At the recent Vision session dedicated to the topic of advocacy
the group was provided with multiple avenues to advocate for the profession at
the local, state and national levels. The
conversation was enlightening to the lobbying efforts of ArchiPAC, and clearly
laid out the goals and agenda for the upcoming year. The red button topics at the state level were
identified and the AIA Cincinnati advocacy group introduced itself. All certainly eye opening and noted.
Still, I believe the strongest venue for advocacy for the
profession is as citizen architect, grounded in the local issues through community
groups, school boards and local and city planning groups. What better way to
advertise the architect as problem solver, as ethical, as a facilitator, with
the ability to think outside the box and to the see the big picture. (Note: Andrew
Goldberg highlighted these qualities as the architects’ strengths as recognized
by the broader public).
Unfortunately, it seems that the academic education of the
architect is heavily dedicated to theory over practice and to designing unconceivable
high rises rather than community centers (at least these were the trends in my
school days). While this offers a
military like training in remolding the mind of the architect to think
critically I believe it is important for students to dig themselves out of the
studio, on occasion. Lead by the success
and publicity of the Rural Studio many architecture schools have added programs
that address local and community issues. So I do think that academia has evolved.
Anyways, local involvement and activity outside the office
in my mind plays the strongest advocate for the profession. This involvement promotes the strengths of
the architect to the community and legitimizes the necessity of the profession.
Friday, January 4, 2013
How to give a forgettable presentation
Have you ever been to a presentation that you couldn't remember the content of a mere hour afterward? I'm sure everyone has been to at least one of these. For me, sometimes the problem is that the content of the presentation is not particularly interesting or maybe it's too basic or too advanced for me to relate to. Most often, though, the issue is that the speaker himself was not terribly interesting or memorable and didn't capture my attention or failed to hold it for more than a few minutes. In today's world of pervasive technology, I am as guilty of multitasking on my phone if I'm not enthralled with a presentation as anyone.
In December's VISION session we heard from Peggy Kennedy about making your presentation memorable by including personal elements. I certainly agree that storytelling and personal elements are very important to making a presentation, and the presenter himself, interesting. However, I also learned from Barbara Hall in the morning portion of this session that in my DiSC personality assessment that I am a high dominance personality type. That can (and does) mean that I bore easily or get distracted if a presenter is giving me too much fluff and not enough direct, hard substance. There's probably a reason I loved Dragnet re-runs and Joe Friday's "Just the facts, ma'am" approach as a kid. So, what's the best balance? For me, I love a presenter who interjects real-world experience into their presentations as a way of adding a personal element but still conveying important information and not straying too far from the facts. That's what I strive for when I give a presentation as well, so hopefully all you other personality types out there can relate!
In December's VISION session we heard from Peggy Kennedy about making your presentation memorable by including personal elements. I certainly agree that storytelling and personal elements are very important to making a presentation, and the presenter himself, interesting. However, I also learned from Barbara Hall in the morning portion of this session that in my DiSC personality assessment that I am a high dominance personality type. That can (and does) mean that I bore easily or get distracted if a presenter is giving me too much fluff and not enough direct, hard substance. There's probably a reason I loved Dragnet re-runs and Joe Friday's "Just the facts, ma'am" approach as a kid. So, what's the best balance? For me, I love a presenter who interjects real-world experience into their presentations as a way of adding a personal element but still conveying important information and not straying too far from the facts. That's what I strive for when I give a presentation as well, so hopefully all you other personality types out there can relate!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
a new year's resolution for 2013 & after
Early 20th-century New Year's resolution postcards
Now that 2013 has arrived and many of us are setting new goals and resolutions for the new year, it's a good time to recall what Barbara Hall shared with us at our last Vision session. One of her suggestions was that we focus on our areas for potential rather than on our weaknesses. After taking the DISC online assessment provided by Unlimited Potential and reading our personalized reports, we are equipped with a greater knowledge of our individual behaviors and the motivations that drive our actions. We have, also, gained a better understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses, which with practice, can enable us to communicate more effectively with others and achieve deeper satisfaction both at work and in our personal lives.
In the book titled, "StrengthsFinder 2.0," which we read prior to our Vision session #2, Tom Rath informs his readers just how prevalent the sense of disengagement is in the workplace. He writes, "Over the last decade, Gallup has surveyed more than 10 million people worldwide on the topic of employee engagement (or how positive and productive people are at work), and only one-third "strongly agree" with the statement: 'At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.'." He goes on to say that their studies show that people are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life when people have the opportunity to concentrate on their strengths each day. This latter statement urges us to take the time to know ourselves better so that we can put our strengths to use rather than neglecting them. Focusing on our strengths, Rath says, will lead to a more fruitful, enjoyable life. This is a new year's resolution we can't afford to lose interest in.
Now that 2013 has arrived and many of us are setting new goals and resolutions for the new year, it's a good time to recall what Barbara Hall shared with us at our last Vision session. One of her suggestions was that we focus on our areas for potential rather than on our weaknesses. After taking the DISC online assessment provided by Unlimited Potential and reading our personalized reports, we are equipped with a greater knowledge of our individual behaviors and the motivations that drive our actions. We have, also, gained a better understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses, which with practice, can enable us to communicate more effectively with others and achieve deeper satisfaction both at work and in our personal lives.
In the book titled, "StrengthsFinder 2.0," which we read prior to our Vision session #2, Tom Rath informs his readers just how prevalent the sense of disengagement is in the workplace. He writes, "Over the last decade, Gallup has surveyed more than 10 million people worldwide on the topic of employee engagement (or how positive and productive people are at work), and only one-third "strongly agree" with the statement: 'At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.'." He goes on to say that their studies show that people are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life when people have the opportunity to concentrate on their strengths each day. This latter statement urges us to take the time to know ourselves better so that we can put our strengths to use rather than neglecting them. Focusing on our strengths, Rath says, will lead to a more fruitful, enjoyable life. This is a new year's resolution we can't afford to lose interest in.
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